5. Layouts and Plugins

In slurk you have the possibility to integrate your own layouts. With layouts, it is possible to modify the display area on the right side and specify a stylesheet.

A layout is a JSON file with a top-level dictionary. Besides the fields listed in the REST API for slurk there are three fields, which are worth pointing out:

  • "html": Comprises a list of further dictionaries or strings.

    Each dictionary represents an HTML node. Each key in this dictionary corresponds to the attribute in an HTML tag. There are also two predefined tags: "layout-type" and "layout-content". "layout-type" corresponds to the name of the node, "layout-content" corresponds to the content between the opening and closing tag. For example

      "layout-type": "span",
      "layout-content": "Text",
      "id": "box"

    corresponds to the HTML of <span id="box">Text</span>. It’s also possible to nest the content. The following object will cause <span id="outer"><span id="inner">Text</span></span>:

      "layout-type": "span",
      "layout-content": {
        "layout-type": "span",
        "layout-content": "Text",
        "id": "inner"
      "id": "outer"
  • "css": A dictionary which is like a typical CSS stylesheet. Example:
      "#image-area": {
        "align-content": "left",
        "margin": "50px 20px 15px"

    This is injected as the following stylesheet:

    #image-area {
      align-content: left
      margin: 50px 20px 15px
  • "script": Provides the ability to inject a script plugin into the chat. It comprises another dictionary, which maps different triggers to scripts or a list of scripts. Scripts can either be a pre-defined one or can be passed by link. Example:

      "incoming-text": "display-text",
      "submit-message": "send-message",
      "print-history": "plain-history"

5.1. Triggers

A full list of keys is shown in the REST API for slurk. There are some pre-defined scripts which can be used. Also, several variables may be defined in a trigger:

5.1.1. "incoming-text"

Displays text messages as they arrive

  • data.user: The user who has sent the message

  • data.timestamp: The timestamp of the message

  • data.private: A boolean value showing whether this was a direct message or visible to the room

  • data.message: The message string of the sent message if any

  • data.html: Tag if the message is marked as HTML

  • "display-text": Prints as plain text

  • "markdown": Prints as formatted markdown if tagged as html

5.1.2. "incoming-image"

Displays images in the chat area as they arrive

  • data.user: The user who has sent the message

  • data.timestamp: The timestamp of the message

  • data.private: A boolean value showing whether this was a direct message or visible to the room

  • data.image: The image URL

  • data.width: The width of the sent image

  • data.height: The height of the sent image

  • "display-image": Displays a simple image

5.1.3. "submit-message"

Called when the user hits RETURN on the typing area

  • text: The text which was entered in the typing area

  • current_user: The user who just hit RETURN

  • current_timestamp: The current timestamp

Examples: - "send-message": Sends plain text and commands depending on the entered text - "send-intercepted-message": Emits sent text as a command for a bot to intercept.

5.1.5. "typing-users"

Called when the state of currently typing users is changed

  • users: A map of currently typing users, with their ids as keys

  • "typing-users": Shows which users are currently typing

5.1.6. "plain"

Injected as a script file into the site

  • "ask-reload": A pop-up asks on page reload if this is the desired action

  • "enforce-fullscreen": Page content is grayed out, until a button is clicked that sends user into fullscreen. See enforce-fullscreen_layout.json in examples for an example layout

  • "collapsible-task-instructions": Hides and shows text on user clicks. This is useful for hiding lengthy task instructions until the user clicks on them on demand. See collapsible-instructions_layout.json in examples for an example layout.

  • "bounding-boxes": Makes it possible for users to draw rectangles inside a designated drawing area (html element with the id drawing-area). Per default, drawn rectangles are not shared between users inside a room. If you wish for all users in a room to share a common canvas give all users inside the room the permission receive_bounding_box

  • "mouse-tracking": Mouse movement and clicks inside the designated html element with the id tracking-area are registered. They can be handled by bots through the mouse event.

  • "live-typing": Chat partners receive a preview of messages that are currently being typed. Typed messages can’t be edited in this mode. If a user started a message and stopped typing for 3sec, it is automatically submitted.

  • "keylogger": Every keystroke of both users will be logged by slurk under the keyword `keystroke` together with a unique timestamp.

5.1.7. "document-ready"

Called when the document is loaded

  • Everything defined from "plain"

Additionally, some functions are guaranteed to exist:

  • display_message(sender, time, message, privateMessage)

  • display_image(sender, time, url, width, height, privateMessage)

  • display_info(time, message)

  • submit_text(text)

  • submit_image(url, width, height)

  • submit_command(parameter)

5.2. Layout development in practice

Creating and adding your own layout to Slurk allows you to customize the design and functionality of the waiting and chat room without changing the static HTML and CSS files. It is possible to define and format new tags or to work with existing ones.

The following steps demonstrate how to build your own layout for an example waiting room used by the concierge bot.

The waiting room is supposed to have a custom title, an image on the right, and a blue theme:

  "title": "Waiting Room",
  "subtitle": "waiting for other players...",
  "html": [
      "layout-type": "div",
      "id": "image-area",
      "layout-content": [
          "layout-type": "image",
          "id": "current-image",
          "src": "https://media.giphy.com/media/tXL4FHPSnVJ0A/giphy.gif",
          "width": 500,
          "height": 400
  "css": {
    "header, footer": {
      "background": "#115E91"
    "#image-area": {
      "align-content": "left",
      "margin": "50px 20px 15px"
  "scripts": {
    "incoming-text": "display-text",
    "incoming-image": "display-image",
    "submit-message": "send-message",
    "print-history": "plain-history"